New technologies are here to help us and make our lives easier. But today the smartphone has become an extension of our hands and that is something that can cause some anxiety disorders. We must pay special attention to that instant messaging application called What Sapp, without which we can no longer survive.

What Sapp anxiety?

There is no doubt that new technologies are transforming our lives, our way of working and also our way of relating to others. Social networks make us more sociable virtually speaking, they make us feel part of something, although at the same time, they can end up excluding us and encourage certain behavioral disorders. It is the implicit contradiction in social networks.

And with the same character as social networks, we find this mobile application whose main objective is free instant messaging, but whose benefits branch out so much that they can end up confusing us. What Sapp generates anxiety? Because? The answer you will surely find if you do a little self-criticism.

What nerves when you are waiting for that guy you just met to get in touch with you; what a disappointment when you see the time of his last connection two hours after saying goodnight to you; what a bad mood when you see that he is online and he is not writing to you. And the destructive effects of What Sapp are seen not only in sentimental relationships, but also in friendships. Why don’t you answer that What Sapp that I sent you at once?

Obsessive behavior on What Sapp

What Sapp risks are directed towards anxiety, but above all towards obsessive behaviors? All the information that this application provides about the other person, such as the last connection time, whether they are online or not, their photo or their status brings out our most controlling and insecure side. Can we ask someone for explanations  about what they do with their time, with their conversations and with their smartphone?

Perhaps new technologies have transformed so many things and so fast that we are losing perspective. The What Sapp application is perfect for sending instant messages, but that does not guarantee that the other person will receive it when we want it. Maybe the other person is chatting with someone and doesn’t want to interrupt their conversation, maybe she’s working and can’t answer right now, or maybe she’s reading a good book and hasn’t paid attention to What Sapp.

In any case, the anxiety generated by What Sapp is more than evident, but it is also evident that, more than the application, it is our own insecurity that motivates this anxiety problem. When it comes to new technologies, it is convenient to relativize and  disconnect from time to time to return, even if only for a moment, to more carnal relationships.

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