The relationship between drugs and anxiety is twofold. Sometimes anxiety leads to an addiction problem while other times it is the drugs that generate an anxiety disorder. But what interests us most about drugs in relation to anxiety are the effects they produce on mental health. Some effects that vary according to the type of drug that is consumed, but that all of them worsen the symptoms of anxiety.

How drugs affect anxiety?

– Cannabis. Whether marijuana or hashish, cannabis is one of the most consumed and socially accepted drugs. Apart from the debate about its beneficial effects for some chronic illnesses or for the terminally ill, in its relationship with anxiety disorders we can assure that they are harmful. And it is that it’s most immediate and evident effects are those of relaxation, something that could come in handy for anxiety. But that effect lasts only a few minutes.

However, there is also a distortion of the perception of reality, as well as slowness of movement and difficulty concentrating. It is in the long term that we see the worst consequences of cannabis use for mental balance. In addition to a tendency to  depression, there is an increased risk of suffering from panic episodes and delusions.

– Coke. As a powerful central nervous system stimulant, no one expects to find a state of relaxation, which would be best for anxiety. On the other hand, the euphoria, the feeling of security and mental fluidity can be very attractive for those who suffer from social anxiety, finding in cocaine the support they need to interact in society.

Although cocaine is the quintessential social drug, in the long run it can cause some social withdrawal, as well as obsessive and repetitive thoughts, something that is closely related to obsessive. In addition, panic attacks are very frequent, especially in periods of cocaine withdrawal.

– Designer drugs. We include in the group of designer drugs ecstasy, LSD, amphetamines, MDA and many other substances that are used especially in moments of leisure but that due to their composition can cause serious damage to health immediately. The habitual consumption of these drugs produces serious alterations in behavior and a distortion of reality that is highly dangerous.

Generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, social anxiety, and specific phobias are the disorders most closely linked to designer drugs, without underestimating the number of cases of delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia that have been observed.

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