Joint pain, muscle pain, migraines and cardiovascular problems suffer from climatic variations in a more than obvious way. The same happens with our state of mind, which is altered depending on the temperature, light or weather phenomenon. And it is that the weather greatly influences anxiety. Anxiety disorders subject to weather.

How does the weather affect anxiety?

In general terms, we could say that emotional disorders worsen in seasons such as autumn and winter due to lack of light and low temperatures. Although seasonal affective disorder is more closely linked to depression, anxiety can also be affected by the weather. After all, the darkness of winter only increases the feeling of danger of that anxiety that has been activated and that we cannot avoid.

However, not all anxiety problems end with the arrival of spring. Well known is that disorder known as spring asthenia that causes the body to react in the form of chronic fatigue and sadness. On the opposite side, there are those people who “spring alters the blood” and who, in the most serious cases, end up exhausted from so much hyperactivity.

For its part, summer and high temperatures favor irritability and even aggressiveness in many people. Suffocating heat can be considered by a person with an anxiety disorder as an alarming and highly dangerous reason, so their anxiety reaches levels as high as the temperatures. Summer is also a favorable time for the appearance of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Meteor sensitive people

The way in which the weather affects the mood can be seen in a general way in the mood of the people. An observant look in the subway or on the bus on the way to work will give us an idea of ​​where the shots are going to go in climatic matters, only by observing people. And it is that there are a large number of people who are meteor sensitive, that is, people who are especially sensitive to sudden changes in temperature or even people capable of forecasting the weather based on physical and mental symptoms.

The wind is one of those meteorological phenomena that affect the mood the most. Even before the wind appears, which receives a different name in each place; there are people who intuit it because they feel more upset, more sensitive, more irritable, sadder… To such an extent does the wind influence the behavior of the people that in some countries is mitigation when judging some crimes?

These meteor sensitive people are able to predict the weather based on the pain in their joints, the migraine that they are beginning to notice or the nervousness that does not leave them. And of course, the more abrupt the temperature changes, the more the symptoms of anxiety, depression or physical pain in these meteor sensitive people worsen.

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