We all know that day to day can be very stressful. Between the demands for our performance and common obligations, our body and especially our mind are under constant pressure, which in addition to generating stress can also cause anxiety on a regular basis. And, if it is not controlled, it can become a serious problem for our health.
There are people who do not perceive the seriousness of constantly suffering from anxiety since they consider it as something “normal”, however the reality is completely contrary. There is a psychosomatic discomfort that is debilitating, frustrating and exhausting. For this reason, we want to help you with 60 phrases to overcome anxiety that you can read when you don’t know what to do and, above all, some tips to deal with it. Are you ready? Let’s start!
How do you know when anxiety becomes a problem?
Very simple, depending on the frequency and level that anxiety occurs in your routine, the higher this is, the greater the risk of developing, directly affecting the development areas of your life. From not wanting to go back to work, to having panic attacks at school, to not wanting to leave your house at all.
Anxiety by itself does not represent any risk for us, since, like stress, it is a natural adaptation mechanism of the organism in the face of something that represents a threat. Helping to analyze and solve said threat in a short time to avoid its development. However, when anxiety stays longer, the body assimilates it as something permanent and looks for a way to avoid these feelings, which is where people’s isolation occurs.
Factors that can cause anxiety
There are a number of factors, both internal and external, that make us feel anxious. Among them are the following:
Predisposing factors
They are those who are within us and somehow we cannot avoid them, why not? Well, because they can be hereditary, learned (that is, we grew up with them) or repetitive (patterns that we develop in the way of coping with stress).
Environmental factors or triggers
These usually occur when a traumatic situation has been experienced and the body, to prevent this from happening again, makes us avoid or block places, people, feelings or memories that cause us harm. Such as: overwhelming situations, traumatic events, violent and sudden adaptation efforts, exhausting efforts, difficult obstacles to overcome illness or near death.
Maintenance factors
These factors are produced by, to the extent that we unconsciously make anxiety stay and stay, instead of finding a way to resolve the conflict. Since this makes us afraid to face what we just want to avoid. In this, justifications for the problem are developed, excuses to escape, limited or counterproductive solutions and erroneous coping, more than just producing resistance to change.
How to deal with anxiety?
The main treatment for anxiety is psychotherapy or psychology. The work of a psychologist is first to find the root problem to face and solve it and, in this way, offer daily adaptive routines. In this way, the patient can resume his lifestyle and provide techniques that will help him avoid and reduce the symptoms.
Sometimes it is necessary to surround yourself with people who make you happy or find your own motivation to improve. And, precisely to help you with this, we leave you with a series of incredible phrases that will help you find the way to overcome anxiety. Choose your favorite!
60 Phrases that will motivate you to overcome anxiety
1 Anxiety does not exhaust the anxieties of tomorrow; it only exhausts the strength of today. Bernardo Stamatas.
2 Hiding or suppressing anxiety actually produces more anxiety. Scott tassel
3 Much of the stress people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they have started. David Allen.
4 Threats to our self-esteem or the idea we have of ourselves often cause much more anxiety than threats to our physical integrity. Sigmund Freud.
5 Missing a loved and desired person is the key to understanding anguish. Sigmund Freud.
6 Pain in the present is experienced as offense. Pain in the past is remembered as anger. Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety. Deepak Chopra.
7 Perhaps anxiety is in a sense a luxury: an emotion we can only indulge in when we are no longer preoccupied with ‘real’ fear. William James.
8 The great discovery of my generation is that human beings can change their lives by changing their mental attitudes. William James.
9 There is nothing so characteristic of the progress from beast to man as the lessening of the frequency of justifiable occasions for fear. William James
10 Fear arises from a weakness of the mind and therefore does not belong to the use of reason. Search Spinoza.
11 Our brain is the best toy ever created. In it are all the secrets, including happiness. Charlie Chaplin.
12 Fear sharpens the senses. Anxiety paralyzes them. Kurt Goldstein.
13 Anxiety with fear and fear with anxiety contribute to robbing human beings of their most essential qualities. One of them is reflection. Conrad Lorenz.
14 The intensity of the anguish is proportional to the meaning that the situation has for the affected person; although she is essentially ignorant of the reasons for her anxiety. Karen Horny.
15 You don’t have to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting them control you. Dan Milkman.
16 When you change the way you see things, the things you see change too. Wayne Dyer.
17 We cannot solve problems by thinking in the same way as when we created them. Albert Einstein.
18 Act the way you want to feel. Gretchen Rubin.
19 If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always had. Steven Hayes.
20 The hero and the coward feel the same, but the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs away. It’s always the same, fear, but what matters is what you do with it. Cuss D’Amato.
21 Life is 10 percent what you experience and 90 percent how you respond to it. Dorothy M. Neddermeyer.
22 Do not anticipate problems or worry about what may happen: stay in the sunlight. Benjamin Franklin.
23 To worry is more exhausting than a day of work. John Lubbock.
24 Rule number one is: don’t worry about the small stuff. Rule number two is: it’s all little things. Robert Elliott.
25 The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. Sydney J. Harris.
26 Good humor is a tonic for the mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. Greenville Keizer.
27 The only way out is through. Robert Frost.
28 Tranquilizers only work if the advice on the bottle is followed – keep away from children. Phyllis Diller.
29 We can all fight one day battles. It’s when we add the load for two uncontrollable days, yesterday and tomorrow, that we get overwhelmed. Steve Parabola.
30 No one who has been tormented by prolonged bouts of anxiety. Doubts its power to paralyze action… No one can deny how excruciatingly painful anxiety can be. The experience of chronic and intense anxiety is, above all else, a profound and disconcerting confrontation with pain. Barry E Wolfe.
31 Your emotions should not be paralyzing. They shouldn’t defend themselves. They shouldn’t stop you from being all you can be. Wayne W. Dyer.
32 When it comes to detecting danger and reacting to it, the (vertebrate) brain hasn’t changed much. In certain respects, we are emotional lizards. Joseph Leduc.
33 No passion like fear so effectively robs the mind of the ability to act and reason. Edmund Burke.
34 Where the water is deepest, it is calmest. William.
35 The man who is afraid without danger invents danger to justify his fear. Alain.
36 Where one door closes, another opens. Miguel de Cervantes.
37 I don’t want to be free of dangers; I just want courage to face them. Marcel Proust.
38 Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. Napoleon Hill.
39 If a problem can be fixed, if the situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it can’t be fixed, thenworryingis useless. Dalai Lama.
40 The biggest barrier to success is the fear of defeat. Sven Groan.
41 No matter how long the storm is, the sun always shines through the clouds again. Khalil Gibran.
42 Uncertainty intolerance appears to be the central factor involved in high levels of concern. Michael J. Degas.
43 The end of history, the end of man? Is it serious to think about it? They are distant events that anxiety-eager for imminent disasters- wants to precipitate at all costs. Emile Michel Ciaran.
44 I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards. Abraham Lincoln.
45 In each dawn there is a living poem, and, when we go to bed, let us think that it will dawn. Noel Clara so.
46 When one feels a great fear of what is imminent, one feels a certain relief when the problem has arrived. Joseph Jobber.
47 When I look back on all these worries, I am reminded of the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of problems in his life, most of which never happened. Winston Churchill.
48 When you are present, you can allow the mind to be as it is without getting entangled in it. Eckhart Tolle.
49 We must be aware that what causes us discomfort or anxiety is not the events, but how we link emotions to them. Jonathan Garcia-Allen.
50 Not anticipating problems or worrying about what may never happen. Benjamin Franklin.
51 The weight of anxiety is greater than the evil that causes it. Daniel Defoe.
52 The ability to withstand anxiety is important for the self-actualization of the individual and for his conquest of the environment. Self-realization is only achieved by moving forward despite emotional shocks. This indicates what the constructive use of anxiety is. Kurt Goldstein.
53 If you care about yourself and what you do, you get nervous, and in the end you don’t get paid and you get sent home. Rachel Nicotine.
54 Action is the best antidote for anxiety and that information is the only remedy to combat uncertainty. John Verdun.
55 How often do we talk just to fill the quiet space? How many times do we lose our breath talking nonsense? Colleen Patrick-Boudreaux.
56 In times of great stress or adversity, it is always best to keep busy, to channel your anger and energy into something positive. Lee Iacocca.
57 May you be free to take a path whose end I do not feel the need to know, nor the feverish anxiety of being sure that you are going where I would have wanted you to go? Margaret Mead.
59 At one point I felt plagued by anxiety. But I got rid of the fear by studying the sky, determining when the moon would rise and where the sun would appear in the morning. Margaret Mead.
60 The biggest mistake you can make in life is to continually fear that you will make one. Elbert Hubbard.
Important lessons that these phrases leave us to overcome anxiety
-Anxiety becomes so dangerous or threatening to people that they start to distort their perception of the world around them. But once you get over it, you can see the world with fresh new eyes, and you can enjoy life again.
-It is possible to solve the problems that generate anxiety, since it is an unresolved conflict trauma. It is difficult and painful, but the process is worth it.
-People suffering from this cling to it because it mistakenly becomes ‘safe ground’, when in reality it is a prison.
-The danger that people try to avoid is nothing more than a mental representation of the fear of re-experiencing the sensations experienced from that moment in the near future. But sadly, for people this danger becomes very real.
-We can see the positive side of anxiety both to begin to overcome it and to live with it. Ace? Knowing that it is a biological response that produces mixed feelings, but that we should not let them control us?
-It is useless to continue feeding the worries, since that way you will not be able to find any solution. Don’t you think it’s better to breathe and calm down? This way you will be able to find an effective solution, instead of continuing to think about the issue that has no way out.
-Know that the traumatic that triggers anxiety is only one experience, isolated, singular and does not represent all the experiences that you will live in the future. Things may not have turned out quite right that time, but you can learn from your mistakes, instead of letting yourself collapse by them.
Small tricks to prevent anxiety from taking over your day to day
You have the power to prevent anxiety from taking over your daily life with little things that you can fit into your routine, such as:
- Take a break in the afternoons.
- Say no to sedentary, go and exercise.
- Go out with your friends once a week.
- When you feel sad, worried or anxious, call someone. It is never advisable to be alone with your negative thoughts.
- Find a hobby so you can activate your brain while learning a new skill.
- Find a different angle on problems that seem to have no solution, take a break, distract you with something or talk about it with a friend. So there is a better chance that you will find a solution or get the inspiration you need.
But if you are already having trouble managing your anxiety, then I recommend that you encourage yourself to attend, in this way you will be able to prevent it from progressing and learn tools to manage it.