No, we can’t avoid the imminent time but we can reduce it effects. And it is that who else and who least sees their routine transformed and misplaced with the time change. What we are going to try is that its effects are as little noticeable as possible.

We have already seen it in the case, how this time change, especially the one that takes place in autumn, can complicate many cases of depression, increasing sadness and apathy. Therefore and even taking into account that it is temporary, a transit until the adaptation to the new schedule is complete, and we will prevent its negative effects on anxiety.

How does time change affect anxiety?

Soon it will be dark later. That means that when we wake up to go to work it will still be dark, which in turn means many other things, such as worsening anxiety. The reason: the light. The light, how important it is for our emotional state and to which we give so little importance.

When the time changes, our daily activities, such as sleeping, going to work, eating and resting, are governed by a clock that does not match our biological clock. The body does not recognize this schedule and this mismatch can alter the sleep cycle, as well as that of meals. And if there is something we need to keep anxiety at bay, it is regularity.

Insomnia is the main consequence of the time change and from it derives a series of consequences on anxiety, such as exhaustion, lack of concentration, nervousness and feeling out of place or disoriented. In any case, we must be alert to this time change because it can affect our emotional balance.

How to prevent the time change from causing anxiety?

Although in most cases the negative effects of the time change disappear in a few days, we must avoid its consequences as much as possible if we are suffering from an anxiety disorder, since it can aggravate its symptoms. The main premise against the time change is regularity.

We must maintain our daily routines as much as possible. It may be difficult for us to go to sleep at the same time as always, but in a couple of days we will have gotten used to it without suffering the consequences and without feeling tired in the morning. Breathing exercises will help us relax before going to bed, to fall asleep without problems.

In the event that getting up when it is still dark increases nerves and anxiety, we can resort to light. Exposing ourselves to light similar to that of the sun for about 20 minutes each morning will improve our mood and help us leave the house calmer and more confident.

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