New technologies are here to make our lives easier in all areas. And emotional balance, mental health and anxiety disorders find in self-help audios one more resource that can be added to the list of treatments, remedies or therapies. But, are self-help audios really effective?

What are self-help audios?

Self-help audios come in different forms. One type of audio that can help us overcome anxiety is audiobooks. Actually, it is the classic self-help book but in audio format to facilitate its access, since one of the symptoms of anxiety is a lack of concentration. In a state of anxiety, we may not feel up to sitting down and paying attention to a book. In this way, receiving the advice costs much less effort.

In addition to audiobooks, self-help audios go through music therapy, so effective in cases of anxiety and depression. The benefits of music on our state of mind are widely controlled, so music audio can help us relax, calm our nerves and feel better.

In audio we can also find the necessary instructions for some relaxation exercises that will help us find calm more easily. With some simple headphones, we only have to follow the steps to reach the state of tranquility that we need. In this same line, there are also audios that teach us how to meditate.

The effectiveness of self-help audios

As with self-help books, the audios raise many doubts as to their usefulness in overcoming anxiety disorders. Although we must take into account that a self-help audio cannot in any case replace fundamental anxiety treatments, such as psychological therapy, we can use them to reinforce these treatments.

One of the main uses of self-help audios is their relaxing function, something that sets them apart from classic self-help books. Both the calming effects of music and the practical guidelines for breathing and relaxation exercises can help us find that point of calm in moments of most anxiety.

We would like to point out, once again, the care we must take when we resort to techniques or therapies that are not governed by any legislation. Emotional disorders are the perfect field for unscrupulous pseudo-therapists. Both in books and in self-help audios, as well as in relaxation techniques or alternative therapies, you can and should be suspicious if their content leads you to radically transform your vital principles.

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