Although anxiety disorders affect women more than men, there is a curious cause of anxiety that is aimed at more men.
It’s about football and we’re not talking about the excitement of a football game. We are talking about anxiety as a pathology that increases its victims in periods of soccer competition. Discover the anxiety that the World Cup has generated.
The World Cup as a cause of anxiety
Although it may seem like a trivial matter to many, the truth is that soccer and, especially, the World Cup is presented as a cause of anxiety or as a reason to exacerbate existing anxiety disorders. There is a lot at stake in the minds of all those fans who live their team’s game with dedication and passion.
With the same symptoms that anxiety is accompanied on other occasions, anxiety about the World Cup causes sweating, tachycardia, a feeling of suffocation, headache, and dizziness and can even lead to a panic attack. We are not referring to the typical exaltation of the soccer fan whose heart rate changes when his team is about to win the World Cup final, but full-blown anxiety symptoms.
Anxiety disorders generated by soccer
It seems that this anxiety about the World Cup is a matter of adrenaline, which raises anxiety levels to a point where it becomes pathological. The nerves for the result of the game are inevitable, the exaltation goes by levels but, in any case, it is a tense situation that is difficult to control.
This football anxiety does not lead to all types of anxiety, but typically aggravates an already existing generalized anxiety disorder or creates a panic disorder. In addition, it is an anxiety that mainly affects men, since they are the ones who experience football with a greater emotional involvement.
Another anxiety disorder that worsens in the World Cup is social phobia . Soccer is lived in society, a fan feels part of a similar group and a World Cup can be a difficult test for those people who have social anxiety. Fear of being ridiculed or expressing yourself in public can aggravate your disorder and increase your fear of interacting with others.