Homeopathy is one of the most used treatments to combat anxiety. Although it is a valid alternative medicine or therapy for any type of disease, it is in emotional disorders, such as depression or anxiety, where it seems to have the most success.
The reason for its success as a treatment for anxiety is none other than its basic work foundation: treating the problem as a whole, considering mind and body so intercommunicated that the treatment should be addressed to both equally. In short, homeopathy seeks to restore that emotional balance that anxiety has destroyed.
Homeopathy remedies for anxiety
The different remedies that homeopathy proposes to cure anxiety are aimed at both the symptoms of anxiety separately, and the cause of the disorder. In other words, homeopathy works by relieving anxiety symptoms, but also by restoring psychological balance.
– Arsenic album. It is the remedy proposed by homeopathy for anxiety in general. For that state of anxiety where we become irritable, we look for perfection and that everything is organized and in its place.
– Silica. It is an effective remedy against social phobia, but also against those less serious states of shyness, insecurity and fear of social events.
– Nux vomica. If you are a workaholic, if your anxiety is generated by an excess of responsibilities that you are not willing to abandon, if everything has to be perfect and if you cannot disconnect, this is the homeopathic remedy for your anxiety.
-Ignatia loved. This is the remedy that acts against those contradictory reactions due to anxiety. If you notice big mood swings, if you go from anger to calm in a matter of seconds or if nervousness won’t let you stop.
– Argentum nitric. Homeopathy proposes this remedy for that type of anxiety that is called anticipated, for those cases in which we perfectly know the cause of the anxiety, such as speaking in public, taking an exam or climbing a very tall building.
– Rhys toxicodendron. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, repetitive actions such as washing your hands or not stepping on the joint of the tiles in the street, can be alleviated with this remedy.
—Aconite napelus. It is used to treat one of the worst symptoms of anxiety: the fear of dying. It is most effective for that type of anxiety that gets worse at night, that doesn’t let you go to bed, and that causes night terrors.
Considerations about homeopathy for anxiety
Although homeopathy enjoys quite a lot of prestige and acceptance and it is true that its side effects are few or practically nonexistent, it is not convenient to launch ourselves into homeopathic remedies by ourselves. Like any other alternative therapy, the fact that it lacks the dangerous side effects of other drugs does not mean that we should not apply it following the advice of professionals in the field.